From: Congres wsa [rauzy]
Subject: WSA92 2nd CFP Workshop on Static Analysis, Bordeaux, Sept 92
Message-ID: <5972@geocub.UUCP>

		Workshop on Static Analysis 92
		    (previously JTASPEFL)
	   Bordeaux (France) September 23-25, 1992

This workshop is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of 
Static Analysis. The intended audience includes researchers in the
fields of
	- static analysis
	- Abstract Interpretation
	- Partial evaluation
	- Program transformation
in Logic, Equational, Functional and Constraint Programming.

This workshop is organized by LaBRI (Laboratoire Bordelais de
Recherche en Informatique) and GRECO de Programmation (Metheol
and Lexico teams). It will take place at the LaBRI (Bordeaux, 
France), September 23-25 1992.

THe participants who wish to give a presentation should submit
an extended abstract of their contribution (about 5 pages, in 
french, Italian, Spanish or English). Talks will be limited to 
20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions and discussions.

Please send 2 copies (including the title of the talk, the name(s)
and mail adress of the authors) by May 15, 1992, to:

Antoine RAUZY
LaBRI - Universite Bordeaux I
33405 Talence-Cedex (France)

Tel +33 - 56846083
Fax +33 - 56846669
e-mail: ·····

Submissions by e-mail are also welcome (TeX/LaTeX format). A copy
of the papers will be distributed to the participants.