From: Brendan Kehoe
Subject: Program crashes with bignums
Message-ID: <>
I've found a really strange situation with the program below.  It's
running on a Sun Sparcstation with Sun Common Lisp 4.0.

For seemingly arbitrarily large numbers, it appears to return the proper
values---e.g. (diagonal 17) => 1/5 , (diagonal 1000) => 35/10 , etc.
But when I try something absurdly large, say

		(diagonal 10000000000000000000000000)

after some considerable crunching it kicks out with:

>>Error: #<Unknown-Object 13380F6> should be a LIST

   Rest arg 0 (RESTARG): (116036045028828 . #<Unknown-Object 13380F6>)
:C  0: Use a new value
:A  1: Abort to Lisp Top Level

which has me *completely* baffled.  Any ideas?  Is there an error in
the program?  (I'm sure it can be more efficiently or properly written

Thanks for any clues!

-- cut --
;;; DIAGONAL --- find the nth entry in a diagonally-listed matrix of
;;;              rational numbers, of the form:
;;;                  0/1 0/2 0/3 0/4 ...    => 0/1 0/2 1/1 2/1 1/2 0/3 etc
;;;                  1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 ...    Looping up & around like:
;;;                  2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 ...    start  1  2  6  7
;;;                  3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 ...           3  5  8
;;;                  ... ... ... ...               4  9
;;;                                              etc
;;;   We rely upon the fact that the nth entry lies on the row that corresponds
;;;  to the nearest (but not greater) Fibonacci number.  Then from there it's
;;;  easy to figure out the numerator and denominator from the row we're on
;;;  and what fibonacci it corresponds to.  (A catch, though, comes when going
;;;  from the left to the right---see below.)

;; A normal fraction in the table looks like:
;;               proper_fibonacci - n_desired
;;          --------------------------------------
;;            row - proper_fibonacci - n_desired
;; If we're on an even row, that means we're looping down->up, so the
;; numbers are no longer of the form above; instead, they now look like:
;;          n_desired - (up_one_fibonacci - row_currently_on) - 1
;;        ---------------------------------------------------------
;;                      row - proper_fibonacci - 1

(defun diagonal (n)
  ;; climb up until we hit the Fibonacci closest to n
  (let ((v 0) (c 0))
    (loop while (> n v) do
	  (progn (setf v (+ v c)
		       c (1+ c))))

    ;; the loop kicks out at one past the fibo we want
    (setq row (1- c))

    ;; if it's an even row, use the funky method; the hack of (- n (- v row) 1)
    ;; will get us the fibonacci that's the closest to n (e.g. if we do 17,
    ;; that will give us 15)
    (if (= (mod row 2) 0) (setq diff (- n (- v row) 1))
      (setq diff (- v n))))

  ;; smile at the nice user
  (format t "Fraction ~D is ~D/~D~%" n diff (- row diff)))
-- cut --
     Brendan Kehoe - Widener Sun Network Manager - ·······
  Widener University in Chester, PA                A Bloody Sun-Dec War Zone
                    ". . .  if you were a gas, you would be inert." -- Dieter