From: Mark Kantrowitz
Subject: Re: setqing equations
Message-ID: <>
In article <············> ···· (Sven Heinicke) writes:
>> (setq equation '(mod a b))
>> (let ((a 20)(b 7)) (eval equation))

Eval evaluates its argument in the dynamic environment but not the
lexical environment. To get the effect you want, you would have to use
something like progv:
	<cl> (setq foo '(mod a b))
	(MOD A B) 
	<cl> (progv '(a b) '(20 7) (eval foo))
However, you probably don't want to use progv. There is almost
certainly a better way to accomplish whatever you're trying to do,
whether it's using funcall & apply, writing a mini interpreter, or
using macros. The first and third options have the advantage that your
code can be compiled.
