From: Paul Johnson
Subject: How about a GC newsgroup?
Message-ID: <1134@snap.mrcu>
I have been following the Garbage Collection discussion on
comp.lang.c++, and been very encouraged by the quality of many of the
postings.  This is the Net at its best.  Thanks everyone, I have
learned a lot.

It seems to me that the discussions on GC are relevant to many
languages.  This is an important area with much research going on, and
many of the researchers are on the Net.  Therefore I would like to
suggest that a new newsgroup be formed: comp.garbage-collection, or
maybe comp.garbage, comp.collection or comp.gc, or any other possible
names.  Suggestions are welcomed.

This is not a formal RFD.  I am aware of the guidelines on newsgroup
creation, but I thought I would test the waters first.  Also we pay
for incoming email, so I would have to talk to my employers before I
start on the road towards a Vote.  We don't get the trial groups here,
so that route is not currently open either.
