From: John D. Burger
Subject: Re: String to List function!
Message-ID: <>
······· (CHEUNG yik-chi) writes:

  How can I transfer a string like "abc ( 1 2 3) def" to
  (abc (1 2 3) def)

Here's an extremely egregious version:

(defun cheesy-string-to-list (string)
  (values (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "(" string ")"))))

And here's one that's not a memory hog:

(defun string-to-list (string)
  (with-input-from-string (stream string)
    (let ((eof stream)
	  (result '()))
	(let ((object (read stream nil eof)))
	  (if (eq object eof)
	      (return (nreverse result))
	      (push object result)))))))
John Burger                                               ····

"You ever think about .signature files? I mean, do we really need them?"
  - alt.andy.rooney