From: Akira Kurihara
Subject: Any Suggestions for Read-Write-Area of Lucid Sun Common Lisp 3.0.1?
Message-ID: <>
I am porting a Common Lisp program from Macintosh Allegro Common
Lisp 1.3.2 (MACL) to Lucid Sun Common Lisp 3.0.1 (SunCL). Please give me
some suggestions!

Here is a description.

Suppose I have a function called my-function whose usage is
(my-function e) with an integer e >= 1. The source file of this
function is roughly 100 Kilobytes. The memory consumed by
(my-fucntion e) is roughly linear on e, i.e., of the form Ae+B.
The time consumed by (my-function e) is roughly C*3^e, with a
constant C. (my-function 12) took about 12 hours both on Macintosh SE
(accelarated with 25MHz 68020) with 4 Megabytes of memory and
on SparcStation IPC with 24 Megabytes of memory and with a lot of 
hard disk storage. (my-function e) gave a correct answer for
1 <= e <= 13 on Macintosh and for 1 <= e <= 12 on Sun.
(Nothing has been calculated for e >= 14.)
However, (my-function 13) on Sun could not normally terminate because of
some memory problem.

This problem is that the Read-Write-Area increased and increased during
calculation. The segments for ephemeral gc (I think) disappeared and
the Dynamic-0(1)-Area descreased its size.

In fact, this problem is not only for e = 13, but this occured even
when e <= 12. For e <= 12, this problem occured but, because of the
sufficient memory, (my-function e) gave a correct answer.

(room t) reported the followings.

===== Report for (my-function 12) =====

Almost at the beginning,

;;; 12872 words [51488 bytes] of dynamic storage in use.
;;; 1297590 words [5190360 bytes] of free storage available before a GC.
;;; 2608052 words [10432208 bytes] of free storage available if GC is disabled.
;;; Semi-space Size: 5120K bytes [80 segments]
;;; Current Dynamic Area: Dynamic-1-Area
;;; GC Status: Enabled
;;; Reserved Free Space: 64K bytes [1 segment]
;;; Memory Growth Limit: 32768K bytes [512 segments], total
;;; Memory Growth Rate: 256K bytes [4 segments]
;;; Reclamation Ratio: 33% desired free after garbage collection
;;; Area Information:
;;; Name                        Size [used/allocated]
;;; ----                        ----
;;; Ephemeral Level 2           0K/640K bytes,     0/10 segments
;;; Ephemeral Level 0           423K/448K bytes,   7/7 segments
;;; Ephemeral Even-level OSP    0K/576K bytes,     0/9 segments
;;; Ephemeral Level 1           130K/576K bytes,   3/9 segments
;;; Ephemeral Odd-level OSP     0K/448K bytes,     0/7 segments
;;; Foreign-Area                37K/128K bytes,    1/2 segments
;;; Dynamic-0-Area              0K/5120K bytes,    0/80 segments
;;; Dynamic-1-Area              51K/5119K bytes,   1/80 segments
;;; Static-Area                 1448K/1472K bytes, 23/23 segments
;;; Read-Write-Area             3154K/3200K bytes, 50/50 segments
;;; Readonly-Pointer-Area       954K/960K bytes,   15/15 segments
;;; Readonly-Non-Pointer-Area   3987K/4032K bytes, 63/63 segments

Almost at the end,

;;; 47204 words [188816 bytes] of dynamic storage in use.
;;; 673434 words [2693736 bytes] of free storage available before a GC.
;;; 1394072 words [5576288 bytes] of free storage available if GC is disabled.
;;; Semi-space Size: 2816K bytes [44 segments]
;;; Current Dynamic Area: Dynamic-0-Area
;;; GC Status: Enabled
;;; Reserved Free Space: 192K bytes [3 segments]
;;; Memory Growth Limit: 32768K bytes [512 segments], total
;;; Memory Growth Rate: 256K bytes [4 segments]
;;; Reclamation Ratio: 33% desired free after garbage collection
;;; Area Information:
;;; Name                        Size [used/allocated]
;;; ----                        ----
;;; Foreign-Area                37K/128K bytes,    1/2 segments
;;; Dynamic-0-Area              189K/2815K bytes,  3/44 segments
;;; Dynamic-1-Area              0K/2816K bytes,    0/44 segments
;;; Static-Area                 1464K/1472K bytes, 23/23 segments
;;; Read-Write-Area             20354K/20414K bytes,    319/319 segments
;;; Readonly-Pointer-Area       954K/960K bytes,   15/15 segments
;;; Readonly-Non-Pointer-Area   3987K/4032K bytes, 63/63 segments

The size of Read-Write-Area is so large.
Ephemeral gc disappeared and the size of Dynamic-0(1)-Area decreased.
However, (my-function 12) returned the same answer as Macintosh

===== Report for (my-function 13) =====

At the beggining,

--- Almost the same as when e = 12

At several hours before abnormal termination,

;;; 46594 words [186376 bytes] of dynamic storage in use.
;;; 477436 words [1909744 bytes] of free storage available before a GC.
;;; 1001466 words [4005864 bytes] of free storage available if GC is disabled.
;;; Semi-space Size: 2048K bytes [32 segments]
;;; Current Dynamic Area: Dynamic-1-Area
;;; GC Status: Enabled
;;; Reserved Free Space: 192K bytes [3 segments]
;;; Memory Growth Limit: 32768K bytes [512 segments], total
;;; Memory Growth Rate: 256K bytes [4 segments]
;;; Reclamation Ratio: 33% desired free after garbage collection
;;; Area Information:
;;; Name                        Size [used/allocated]
;;; ----                        ----
;;; Foreign-Area                37K/128K bytes,    1/2 segments
;;; Dynamic-0-Area              0K/2048K bytes,    0/32 segments
;;; Dynamic-1-Area              186K/2047K bytes,  3/32 segments
;;; Static-Area                 1464K/1472K bytes, 23/23 segments
;;; Read-Write-Area             21937K/21950K bytes,    343/343 segments
;;; Readonly-Pointer-Area       954K/960K bytes,   15/15 segments
;;; Readonly-Non-Pointer-Area   3987K/4032K bytes, 63/63 segments

Finally at the termination--this is not a report of (room t)---,

;;; Expanding Reserved Memory
;;; GC: 47662 words [190648 bytes] of dynamic storage in use.
;;; 17872 words [71488 bytes] of free storage available before a GC.
;;; 83406 words [333624 bytes] of free storage available if GC is disabled.

Clearing input from *debug-io*
>>Error: Attempting to allocate 4 non-dynamic segments.  In order to do so,
	 sufficient dynamic space must be reassigned that it may no longer be
         possible to GC.

:C  0: Allocation will be allowed and the GC will be disabled.
:A  1: Abort to Lisp Top Level


===== end of Reports of (room t) =====

I already found some bugs in my program when porting from MACL to SunCL.
For example,

(make-array 3 :adjustable t)

returns the same results on both MACL and SunCL, while

(adjust-array (make-array 3 :adjustable t) 6)

returns different results. So I had to fix some. Of course, both
MACL and SunCL are compatible with Guy Steele's book.

In the my-function,
- no float is used.
- integers as big as 10^40 may appear.
- adjustable arrays are extensively used.

Summing up.

For (my-function e) for e <= 12, both MACL and SunCL returned
the same answer, while (my-function e) for e <= 12 on SunCL
potentially has such problem. And (my-function 13) on SunCL could
not normally terminate, while (my-function 13) on MACL returned a
(probably correct) answer.

How could I solve this problem? Please, give me some suggestions!

Thank you.



Akira Kurihara

School of Mathematics
Japan Women's University
Mejirodai 2-8-1, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 112
03-3943-3131 ext-7243