From: ······
Subject: read-char read-line
Message-ID: <>
Hi!  I have tried out some I/O on the Austin Kyoto Common Lisp and it 
seems to men that the read-char and read-line won't wait for the input.

The following progrm:

(defun musical-taste ()
	(format t "~% Do you like rock'n' roll?~%")
	(case ( read)
	((#\y #\Y )
	(format t "~%Great! We'll have to take in a concert sometimes.~%"))
	(t ( format t "~%Nice weahter, isn't it~%"))))

Just won't work as it is expceted. Any remedy? 

Hung-Hsien Chang ( Hubert)		E-mail: ······

P.S: Hubert is not my middle name; it is easier for American friends to call me.