From: Ing. Octavio Juarez Espinoza
Subject: Looking for LISP interpreter
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 I am working in a system for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations
 by plans, I chose muLisp and I have worked a lot: I developed modules
 on algebra, calculus, trascendental functions, windows, frames and
 other things. I wrote about 300kb of Lisp Code and mulisp interpreter 
 begins with problems. I need a lisp interpreter very small 
(muLisp requires 50k) with infinity aritmetic which deals with windows
if It has implemented the trascendental function better. Do you know some 
interesting Lisp Interpreter? Please let me know. Thank you. 
Eduardo Uresti-Charre
BitNet pa266973 at tecmtyvm.bitnet
e-mail ojuarez at