Subject: Summery of Replies to Gambit-Scheme for Mac documentation
Message-ID: <>
I recieved several replies, including a rather large Bibliography which
I shall not post, upon places from which to get documentation.
There were also some requests on the location of the FTP site address for
Mac Gambit-Scheme.  The Address is:
In the Mac/info-mac/lang directory.
It should be under the file name "Gambit-scheme.hqx" or a derivative thereof.

>From:	·······" 16-APR-1991 15:22:32.08
>try 	--Ed
In investigating this site, I found that they also had a Mac specific
documentation package under the name Mac-gambit1.51.sit (i believe).

The next site I have not yet verified, but here is the post.

+From: ········@yew.Berkeley.EDU
+You can get the Scheme Report and many implementations, including the large
+superset known as MIT Scheme (scheme-7.1) from  Look in

Should there be any requests for the bibliography, I shall keep the file
online until April 24.  After that, you are out of luck.

Thanks people for your responses.

Norman Nunley