From: Carl Klapper
Subject: Re: FALSE vs empty list
Message-ID: <1646@oravax.UUCP>
In article <·······>, ··· (Steve Knight) writes:
> If you are happy applying boolean operators to lists and list operators to
> booleans, then you will have little inclination to change.  You may even
> enjoy the conciseness of idioms such as
>     (car (or (member x L1) (member x L2) '(())))
> which exploit the conflation of lists and booleans.

or even ...

  (defvar list-where-found nil)

  (defun member-note-list (x l)
    (let ((member-list (member x l)))
      (when member-list
	    (setq list-where-found l)

   (setf (car (or (member-note-list x L1)
                  (member-note-list x L2)

   (and (member-note-list x L3) (member-not-list x list-where-found))

which exploit the execution sequences of OR and AND.

Clearly, lisp booleans and boolean operators diverge from mathematical
booleans and boolean operators.

BTW, my preferences for TRUE and FALSE are :


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