From: ··········
Subject: PCL problems under MACL 1.3.1
Message-ID: <>
I have been having troubles compiling the Victoria Day version of PCL under
MACL 1.3.1.  It is documented to have been tested under MACL 1.2.2.  Has
anyone else had such problems?  Better yet, will going after a newer release

- Perry
From: Robert Dominy
Subject: Re: PCL problems under MACL 1.3.1
Message-ID: <>
In article <··············> 
·········· writes:
> I have been having troubles compiling the Victoria Day version of PCL 
> MACL 1.3.1.  It is documented to have been tested under MACL 1.2.2.  Has
> anyone else had such problems?  Better yet, will going after a newer 
> help?

This problem is identified in Mac Tech. Note number 231.  Following is from
that note:

If you have the Victoria-Day release of PCL, the following changes to the 
source code allow it to compile successfully under MACL 1.3.1:

In file defsys.lisp:

Find the defvar for *pcl-directory*.  Within it, find the conditional for 
MACL (#+:coral).  Change the pathname parameter to point to your PCL 
folder (e.g., "ccl;PCL:").  Also find the let of files-renamed and change 
its binding to nil.

In file coral-low.lisp:

Comment out both the ccl::add-transform and its inline proclamation.  
Neither is helpful in 1.3.1 (in fact, the add-transform is broken with 
respect to 1.3.1).

In file fin.lisp:

Immediately before the closing R); End of #+:coralS that you find near the 
end of the file, add:

(defun print-uvector-object (obj stream &optional print-level)
  (declare (ignore print-level))
  (print-object obj stream))

(pushnew (cons 'ccl::funcallable-instance #'print-uvector-object)
         ccl:*write-uvector-alist* :test #'equal)

In addition to these code changes, there are some environmental settings 
that are useful or necessary when compiling Victoria-Day PCL.  You should 
use the following settings:

(setq *FAST-EVAL* nil)

These settings eliminate loads of warnings that you would otherwise get 
when compiling or loading PCL.  In particular, you must bind or assign nil 
to *FAST-EVAL* for the file test.lisp to load correctly.

Robert Dominy
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center