From: Scott Simpson
Subject: How Does Lisp Compilation Work?
Message-ID: <>
Can anyone explain to me how a Lisp compiler evaluates and processes
forms? I have been reading the section of CLtL2 on eval-when and it is
about as clear as mud. I also tried reading the beginning of Chapter
25 and it was no help either. If there are any documentation you could
point me to I would appreciate it. Some questions I have are:

	- Is a separate environment created during compilation?
	- If so, why does a global variable get set when I compile
	  a file containing

		(eval-when (compile)
			(setf *new* 1))
	  (using Sun CL 2.1.3)? In this case, the variable *new* is
	  set to 1 after I type '(compile-file "temp.lisp")'. If I
	  change "compile" to "load" it does it at binary load time
	  and if I change "compile" to "eval" it only does it when I
	  read in a regular lisp file. If a separate environment is
	  created, why isn't the variable set within the compilation
	  environment and then destroyed when the compilation is done
	  and the compilation environment disappears?
	- Steele implies a separate environment is created when he
	  says "'compile' specifies that the compiler should evaluate
	  the body at compile time in the compilation context." I
	  assume by compilation context he means compilation
	  environment. If so, why didn't my above tests work?
	- What are not-compile-time mode and compile-time-too mode?
	  The word "too" implies that compile-time-too mode is a
	  strict superset of not-compile-time mode. Is this true? How
	  so? My interpretation is that when lisp forms are simply
	  read in, they are converted to S-expressions and evaluated.
	  When compilation occurs, they are converted to
	  S-expressions but they are not evaluated. Instead, the
	  S-expression is converted to (almost) native code. The code
          is then evaluated when it is read in.  If my assumption is
	  correct, then compile-time-too mode wouldn't be a strict
	  superset since it is doing something different and Steele's
	  wording is confusing.

I also looked at Steele's example:

	(eval-when (compile load eval)
		(set-macro-character #\$ #'(lambda (stream char)
					     (declare (ignore char))
					     (list 'dollar (read stream)))))

According to me empirical evidence with setf above, it appears to me
that this would set $ to be a macro character in your interactive lisp
environment after you compiled a file containing this. Steele implies
otherwise. What gives?
Scott Simpson    		TRW 			·····