Subject: windows + editor (Lucid)
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I am using Sun CL 3.0 under SunOS 4.0.3 on a Sun 4/110. What I'd like
to do is to execute editor commands from Lisp. In "SCL 3.0 The Editor"
page 9.11 one can read:

This variable holds a function that the command interpreter calls to
invoke a command. The arguments passed to this function are the desired
command and its prefix argument. ...

In order to split an editor window I have tried:

> (funcall *invoke-hook* 
           (aref (aref (string-table-table *command-names*) 195) 2) NIL)
                          the "New Window" command

which gives an error.

Is there a more user-friendly and efficient way to execute SCL editor commands
from Lisp?

	Francois-Xavier Testard-Vaillant