From: Mats Johnson
Subject: Fixes to get CLUE running (Victoria Day PCL, LCL3.0)
Message-ID: <>
The following fixes had to be made to get my CLUE up and running.

File clue/intrinsics.lisp
xlib:id and xlib:save-id should be substituted by xlib::id and
xlib::save-id since they are not external in the xlib package.

File clue/root-gmgmt.lisp
needs to be compiled after shells.lisp since it uses wm-shell.

File clue/shells.lisp
the method "(defmethod (setf contact-state) (new-state (shell shell))"
needs to be moved after "(defmethod (setf wm-initial-state) (value
(shell wm-shell))", which it references.

File clue/shells.lisp
wm-size-hints-gravity should be spelled wm-size-hints-win-gravity, and
wm-hints-state should be spelled wm-hints-initial-state

File clue/events.lisp, function click-lookahead
the following case-form is incorrect:
(case result
  (:timeout  (get-result (1- count) :timeout))
  (:count    0)
  (nil       0)
  (otherwise result))
the nil-clause should be ((nil)   0) (See CLtL page 118 :-)

File clue/clos-patch.lisp
the below needs the ***ed line to get around a bug in Lucids
fmakunbound (it forgets to make the compiler forget about inline code)
;; Nuke defstruct info from drawable window and pixmap
(eval-when (compile load eval)
  (dolist (symbol '( drawable drawable-id drawable-display drawable-plist make-drawable drawable-p
		     window window-id window-display window-plist make-window window-p
		     pixmap pixmap-id pixmap-display pixmap-plist make-pixmap pixmap-p))
    (let ((name (symbol-name symbol)))
      #+lucid (lucid::define-function symbol #'identity) ; *************
      (setf (symbol-plist symbol) nil)
      (fmakunbound symbol))))

In file clue/examples/menu.lisp, method manage-geometry ((column column) ...)
return-from is several times incorrectly used as if it took several
result-forms and returned them as multiple-values. (values ...) must
be wrapped around them.

I use "Victoria Day" PCL. It has a bug with certain uses of
EQL-specializers which makes it impossible to compile
clue/intrinsics.lisp. I got a patch for this written by
········· (26 may 89), which seemed to fix the problem.
However, when I got clue going, I noticed that it took a very long
time (30 cpu seconds) to instantiate contacts (make-contact).
I will say more about this in a separate posting.

Mats Johnson, UDAC, Box 2103, S-750 02 Uppsala, SWEDEN. Phone +46 18-187858
E-mail: ·····@delfi.UDAC.UU.SE