From: Stephen Adams
Subject: Re: Looking for "literate programming" tools for Scheme/LISP
Message-ID: <>
In article <······················> ······
(Patrick Logan) writes:

   (1) Does someone have WEB or equivalent set up for Scheme or another LISP?

   (2) Do you know of any references to "literate programming" applied to

I have a solution for Common lisp.  The same idea should work for most
lisps.  I use the following code to read in latex files that have bits
of lisp code embedded in `lisp' or `program' environments.  It works
by redefining the readtable so that

  1.  Latex comments are treated as comments in lisp .to treat latex
      comment as lisp comments.

  2.  Anything starting with a `\' is a comment until the start of a
      `lisp' or `program' environment.

It has been used under Sun Common Lisp (Lucid) and Kyoto Common Lisp.

I think that a full-blown WEB equivalent for lisp is a waste of time.
Much of what WEB offers is there to circumvent weaknesses in the host
language.  Many lisp programs are declaration order independent (or
should be if you want to compile them).  If you want to refine
something later functions and macros can be used.


---- cut here, put it in latex.lisp -----
;   Literate programming for common lisp and latex
;   Only those bits of program in a `lisp' or `program' environment
;   are loaded.  This is achieved as follows:
;   1.  `%' (the tex comment character) is make to act exactly like lisp's
;       semicolon
;   2.  `\' is make to skip text until a line containing only
;           \begin{lisp}
;       or  \begin{program}
;       The skipped text including the \begin bit is treated as a comment.
;   3.  Devious code make the character dispatch read macro (#\... )
;       still work.  I hope.
;   Re-building this file:
;   On both lucid and kcl there are problems with overwriting the readtable
;   while loading.  It only seems to work properly if the functions are
;   compiled and the readtable is updated in one operation.  But that is
;   a one-legged-chicken theory.
;   To compile:
;       Start lucid or KCL.  (if you are already in lisp, exit & restart it)
;       (compile-file "latex.lsp")
;       either (bye) [in kcl] or (quit) [in lucid]
;       Dont be tempted to load latex.{o,lbin} after compiling. It doesnt work.
;   At any other time it is reasonable to load the compiled stuff.

(eval-when (compile)  (proclaim '(optimize (safety 2))))

(defvar *default-hash-backslash-function*
    (get-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\\))
(defun  install-latex-readtable ()

  (labels (
    (backslash-mystifier (stream ch &aux line)
        (unread-char ch stream)
        (setf line (read-line stream  nil nil t))
;;;;        (format t "---> ~S~%" line)
            (if (equal (peek-char nil stream nil 'T) 'T) (return (values)))
            (setf line (read-line stream nil nil t))
            (if (or (null line)
                  (string-equal line "\\begin{lisp}")
                  (string-equal line "\\begin{program}") )
                (return (values)))

    (grotty-new-character-reader (stream ch prefix &aux name (result nil))
                (set-syntax-from-char #\\ #\\)
                (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\\
                (unread-char ch stream)
                (setf name (read stream nil nil nil))
                (setf prefix (if prefix (format nil "~D" prefix) ""))
                (setf result (read-from-string
                            (format nil "#~A\\~A" prefix name)))
                (set-macro-character #\\ #'backslash-mystifier nil)
                (set-dispatch-macro-character  #\#  #\\

   (let ((newtable (copy-readtable nil)))

        (set-syntax-from-char #\% #\; newtable newtable)
        (set-macro-character #\\ #'backslash-mystifier nil newtable)
        (set-dispatch-macro-character  #\#  #\\  #'grotty-new-character-reader
        (setf *readtable* newtable)

(eval-when (load) (install-latex-readtable))

Stephen Adams                          ······· (JANET)
Computer Science                       ······· (Bitnet)
Southampton S09 5NH, UK                ·······@sot-ecs.uucp    (uucp)
From: Patrick Logan
Subject: Re: Looking for "literate programming" tools for Scheme/LISP
Message-ID: <>
In article <·················> ··· (Stephen Adams) writes:
  >> I think that a full-blown WEB equivalent for lisp is a waste of time.
  >> Much of what WEB offers is there to circumvent weaknesses in the host
  >> language.  Many lisp programs are declaration order independent (or
  >> should be if you want to compile them).  If you want to refine
  >> something later functions and macros can be used.

I came to the same conclusion. A couple of people also mailed similar
solutions. What I'm planning on now is to create my own with texinfo.
This way, there'll be a printed document, executable code, and an
"info" version of the document. It should facilitate a nice Scheme

If anyone wants the finished product, send mail and I'll hold on to
your address. I'm not even going to guess at when I'll complete it.

Thanks very much to everyone who responded. I appreciate it.
Patrick Logan                | ...!{decwrl,sequent,tessi}!mntgfx!plogan 
Mentor Graphics Corporation  | ······@pdx.MENTOR.COM                    
Beaverton, Oregon            |