From: Schroeder
Subject: Summary: Lucid vs. Allegro
Message-ID: <324@fbihh.UUCP>
Recently I posted an article to comp.lang.lisp in which I asked for a
comparison of Lucid and Allegro, both for the Sun 4.
The first reply I got was from Steve Anderson of the Cognitive Science Center
at Johns Hopkins, who urged me to post a summary. Well, here it is:

Actually, there seems to be much interest in this comparison; I got lots of
replies asking for a summary. But there does NOT seem to be much experience in
using one (or preferably both) of the systems in question; I only got 8 real
answers, but 3 of them are comming from vendors. 
2 of these ones are talking about other systems: the first is Ibuki CL, which
is --- as far as I know --- a preprocessor to C; the second one is called
LispWorks (I've never heard of this but I would be interested if anyone else

In a magazine I found an article comparing Lucid, Allegro and Ibuki. The final
ranking was: Allegro first, followed by Lucid, and then Ibuki. If you are 
interested in the details, the article is the following:
  A Look at LISP Compilers
  by Nader Kameli
  UNIX Review, June 1989

In the following, I append the answers I got.
My final impression is: 
        Allegro seems to be the prefered product,
        but the description of the LispWorks system sounds interesting.

Thanks again for all of the replies

Carsten Schroeder

P.S. One of the replies, which came from Harold Boley at the DFKI, got lost
     somewhere in my mailbox. Could you please send it again, Harold?

                                             |   Universitaet Hamburg
                                             |   Fachbereich Informatik
phone: +49 40 4123 6131                      |   Bodenstedtstrasse 16
FAX:   +49 40 4123 6530                      |   D-2000 Hamburg 50
·········   |   Fed. Rep. Germany

From:  Kevin Thompson <S=kthompso;OU=ptolemy;OU=arc;O=nasa;P=gov;A=dbp;C=de>
Subject: Allegro Common Lisp.

Date: Wed, 8 Nov 89 12:30:16 PST

We've been on a Sun 3 until recently, but most of what I know applies to Sun

We've chosen Allegro over Lucid, for the following reasons:

   -- Allegro Composer is/was integrated with X11, while SPE (Lucid) was
      integrated with SunView.  Now, this might matter less in the future,
      when XView comes out, so maybe SPE will soon work in X as well.

   -- Composer works within GNU emacs, SPE has its own editor. This has
      advantages and disadvantages.  GNU is (as you know I'm sure) very
      mature, we were loath to give it up.  Of course, the SPE editor has
      the advantage of being in the same name space as the listener, with
      lots of advantages there.  I really don't have a good feel for how
      good the SPE editor is.

   -- Speed: on some of our programs, Lucid has been far faster, but on my
      system, lucid and franz are pretty similar, so I'm not sure if this is
      an issue.

   -- Support: I'm in a very different situation here, since I work 5
      minutes from Sun and 20 minutes from Franz Inc.  However, I think
      support is a big plus for Franz; they're a 30 (?) person company, I've
      been able to speak directly, for instance, to the head of the
      development group for composer about something I want.

In general, SPE might be a bit more mature at present, but I think for the
long run Composer and Franz Inc have advantages.  I should say, however,
that on a Sun3 Composer is slow enough that I don't find it that useful.
However, I believe this to be true also for SPE.

Good luck.  If you get other substantitive comments, your forwarding them to
me would be appreciated, we're still able to change our mind in future

Kevin Thompson
········     NASA-Ames Research Center, USA


From:      "Zany Cornetto" <S=chris;P=harlqn;A=co;C=uk>
Cc:        <S=lispworks-request;P=harlqn;A=co;C=uk>
In-Reply-To: ·······@fbihh.UUCP's message of 3 Nov 8
Subject:   Sun Common Lisp vs. Allegro Common Lisp

I am not able to help you with your comparison of Allegro and Lucid
you might be interested in knowing about LispWorks which is
Harlequin's Common Lisp implementation and programming environment.

Concerning your questions:

LispWorks offers a programming environment that is far superior to
either Allegro Composer or SPE.  

Our performance is comparable.

We support calls from lisp to c/fortran and from c/fortran to lisp.

The intepreter and compiler should be identical.

LispWorks includes an CLUE based user interface toolkit.  It runs on

It is unrealistic to expect any complex software product to be
completely bug free, but being a European company we can offer much
better support than distant US based companies.

I have appended a description of the product.
If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to contact
either myself or lispworks-request.

chris richardson
·····, ..!uunet!mcvax!!chris
Harlequin Ltd, Barrington Hall, Barrington, Cambridge, CB2 5RG, England.
Phone: 0223 872522 (National), +44-223-872522 (International).


The Product

LispWorks is  Harlequin's  software  package  for   developing   and delivering
industrial-strength applications written in Common Lisp.  The  system runs on a
wide  range  of  standard  hardware platforms,  offers   comprehensive symbolic
processing facilities, and provides general purpose workstations with the power
and flexibility of dedicated Lisp platforms.

LispWorks is a single, coherent package, integrating the emerging ANSI standard
Common Lisp (CL) with an  object-oriented programming  environment based on the
Common   Lisp  Object  System (CLOS),   lightweight  processes,  X-Windows  and
monochrome and colour graphics.

The Approach

By designing the programming environment before the underlying language system,
Harlequin has engineered an  unrivalled degree  of internal cohesion  into  the
product.  Programming tools are firmly embedded in the environment and both are
supported by sophisticated   facilities for  compilation  and   interpretation,
together with unobtrusive ephemeral garbage  collection.  The whole package  is
written in Lisp to enhance consistency, maintainability and extensibility.

Fundamental Components

LispWorks  includes Harlequin's own implementation of   Common Lisp (CL) , CLOS
and  the  CL Condition  System.  CLOS  provides the  object-oriented facilities
employed throughout the package.   The  Condition System provides comprehensive
error handling facilities during program execution.  The enhanced Loop Facility
is also included to provide flexible iteration.

Programming Environment

The LispWorks programming  environment  is  based on  CLOS   and a notion    of
'collections' which   supports both residential  and file-based  activity.    A
collection is a uniform,  organisational  concept: it takes  the form of a CLOS
object representing a group of functions, classes, methods, files or  any other
group of first class items.

When  a collection has   been  assembled,  LispWorks automatically  selects and
offers the appropriate generic operations.  For example,  given a collection of
functions, a variety  of operations are offered  including tracing, editing and
displaying a call tree; given a collection of classes, the  relevant operations
include editing and displaying the class hierarchy.

The LispWorks Source Code Manager (SCM) employs systems, plans and a definition
database  to   provide    extensive  support    facilities.   The SCM   assumes
responsibility for source  file management, ensuring consistency between  files
by  employing   explicit  descriptions  of    the  application  systems   under
development.  It also constructs and presents plans of  how chosen operations -
such as  compilation  - may be performed  and maintains a database linking each
top level definition with its position in the corresponding source file.  Other
tools, such as the editor, exploit these automatic links.


Programming  tools  include an  Emacs  style  Lisp Editor,   Lisp Listeners and
Workspaces,  Describers,   Inspectors, Browsers,  Steppers, Tracers,  Advisers,
Cross Referencers and Debuggers.  Full source  level debugging is available for
both compiled and interpreted code and there is a hypertext facility supporting
on-line documentation.

User Interface

LispWorks  contains an optimised  version of CLX the standard   CL interface to
X-Windows.  Harlequin has also implemented a multi-threaded version of CLUE the
standard CL User  Environment.  CLX  and CLUE  provide a basis for constructing
any desired style of user interface.  However, Harlequin offers much more.

The LispWorks Interface Toolkit extends CLUE to provide a wide range of generic
interface components -  'contact classes'.   To   create interfaces using  this
toolkit, software developers select the required components; these are combined
using  the class inheritance mechanism, to  yield  customised contact  classes.
The  standard  user interface for  LispWorks  was  itself  constructed  in this

The LispWorks Application Framework may be used  to structure user interaction.
This framework  is  a  generic interaction  model  for  applications.  Software
developers can employ the model to add user  interaction  to a core application
with a minimum of programming effort.  The framework increases productivity and
establishes a more coherent style of interaction across applications.

External Interfaces

LispWorks  supports   transparent   access to external code,  data,  databases,
networks  and devices.  Interfaces  are included to foreign functions/data, SQL
databases, the GNU Emacs editor and plain  terminals.  Foreign language support
includes C and FORTRAN.  Dependence on host operating systems is minimal.


A variety  of   tools is  provided  for   turning initial implementations  into
efficient  and  compact  delivery  systems.   They are   all  supported  by the
underlying design of LispWorks and include  a Profiler, Block Compilation and a
Run-Time Delivery System.   Moreover, the LispWorks  compiler  may be tuned  by
software  developers   to perform  application   specific  optimisations.   The
Delivery System is  a low-cost version of LispWorks  which contains  sufficient
support to run standard applications.


Harlequin is committed to an  extensive programme of  development for LispWorks
which  will  maintain  the  product's position  on   the  leading-edge  of Lisp
technology.     Enhancements include  a  powerful  Distillation  Facility which
enables the  software developer to remove  extraneous  code, garbage collection
and  other support facilities from an  application.  Full advantage can thus be
taken of the powerful development  environment to produce compact and efficient
delivery systems.  The whole LispWorks system has been  specially  designed for
this purpose.

Another development for LispWorks is a PostScript  model with active windowing,
applying Harlequin's expertise with the company's ScriptWorks product.  Further
enhancements include object level database interfaces and  a  persistent object
store, support for functional  and logic programming, facilities for  parallel,
distributed  and 'real-time'  processing, a  choice  of 'look  and feel',   and
multi-media support.

Further Information

For more information about LispWorks, any  of the  related products, pricing or
availability please contact:

	LispWorks Support
	Harlequin Limited
	Barrington Hall
	Cambridge CB2 5RG

	Tel.	: +44-223-872522
	Fax.	: +44-223-872519
	Telex	: 818440 harlqn g
	Email	: ·················
		or mcvax!ukc!harlqn!lispworks-request


LispWorks and ScriptWorks are trademarks of Harlequin  Limited. The Common Lisp
- X interface (CLX) and  the Common  Lisp User Environment (CLUE) are copyright
Texas Instruments Incorporated 1987,1988. The X Window System is a trademark of
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. PostScript is a registered trademark
of Adobe Systems  Incorporated. Other brand  or product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders. Harlequin reserves the right
to alter the specification of LispWorks without notice.

Copyright Harlequin 1989


From:David Fleet <S=fleet;OU=ai;O=toronto;P=edu;A=dbp;C=de>

Date:	Sat, 11 Nov 89 21:54:21 EST

hi guy.
I am not realy the guy to ask about lisp on the suns.
I believe we have allegro (cl). The reason for getting it
was 1) it is cheap compared e.g. to lucid. 2) also it is
becoming the most common version so that much of the current
software is written in allegro. Heeger's image processing package
was written for lucid, but guiys here have it running under
allegro. that's it really.

the person most familiar with the issues would be evangelos milios.
his login is eem.etc. I don't know if you know him though.
anyway that's my little bit of info for you.

later, david.


From:  <S=bur;O=b21;P=uucp;A=dbp;C=de>
Cc:    <S=bur;O=b21;P=uucp;A=dbp;C=de>
Subject: Re. Sun Common Lisp vs. Allegro Common Lisp

Hallo in Hamburg,

wir hier in Berlin verwenden seit ca. 4 Wochen Allegro CommonLisp
(Version 3.1) auf einer Sun 4/110. Generell sind wir ganz zufrieden
damit. Mit SPE und Sun CommonLisp haben wir leider keine Vergleichs-

Vorher haben wir mit Delphi CommonLisp gearbeitet (kommt aus Italien,
hat CLX und erste CLOS-Implementation). Damit konnte man aber nicht gut
arbeiten, daher faellt der Vergleich evt. zu gut fuer Allegro aus.

Nun zu den einzelnen Punkten.

-- usability and comfort of the environment, esp. the debugger

Stepper, Tracer, Inspector und Debugger machen einen guten Eindruck, 
insbesondere der Debugger gibt recht gute Aufschluesse. Besonders gut ist die
Lisp-Emacs Schnittstelle, die von Franz erweitert wurde und viele
Moeglichkeiten bietet, die man so von Symbolics kennt. Au~erdem gibt es
dann ja noch den AllegroComposer (Zusatzpaket) der eine
fensterorientierte Oberflaeche zum Debugger und Inspector bietet. Das
sieht auch alles ganz nett aus, aber die Performanz geht selbst bei der
Sun 4 in die Knie.

-- performance

Die Ladezeiten sind ziemlich lang, besonders beim Starten. Ansonsten
kann man nicht meckern.

-- interface to C and UNIX, esp. possibility to call C routines from LISP,
     and vice versa

Es ist wohl moeglich, und es gibt spezielle Schnittstellen fuer beide
Richtungen (C - Lisp). Damit haben wir aber keine Erfahrungen.

-- interface to suntools, esp. SunView, and OpenWindows (X)

Es gibt eine eigene Fenster-Software (CommonWindows, auch Zusatzpaket),
die mit SunView und X11R3 zusammenpasst. Wir arbeiten hier mit CLX
(public domain Version wird mit AllegroCL mitgeliefert).

-- does the compiler conform to the same semantics as the interpreter?

Wir haben noch nichts gegenteiliges feststellen koennen.

-- bugs

Hoffentlich konnten wir ein wenig helfen. 

Wir waeren sehr dankbar, wenn wir die Ergebnisse der Anfrage ans Netz 
erfahren duerften, da wir ja auch erst anfangen. 
Falls das AllegroCL bei Euch zum Einsatz kommt, kann man ja vielleicht auch 
zwecks Erfahrungsaustausch in Kontakt bleiben.

Bis dann, Tschuess

Birgit Burmeister

   Birgit Burmeister
   Daimler-Benz AG
   Hollaenderstr. 31-34
   D-1000 Berlin 51
   Email: ···@b21.uucp


From:  <S=bob%ibuki;OU=relay;O=EU;P=net;A=dbp;C=de>
Subject: IBUKI Common Lisp

>Posted-Date: Wed, 15 Nov 89 15:24:53 PST


Since you are asking for information on Common Lisp implementations I thought
you might like to know about IBUKI Common Lisp.  Below is a brief product
description.  I will send you more complete information by mail.  In the
meantime, please let me know if I can answer any further questions.

IBUKI Common Lisp (IBCL) runs on nearly 40 different platforms and
environments.  IBCL is a full implementation of Common Lisp containing all
of the Common Lisp functions, macros, and special forms specified in the
book "Common Lisp:  The Language" by Guy Steele Jr.

IBCL has a compiler and interpreter, a debugger, tracing functions, an error
handling system, an interface to X-windows, and a standardized interface to 
emacs-like editors.  CLX is supported as is CLOS.

IBUKI Common Lisp is ideal for use in an educational institution.  It will
run on small (4mb) workstation configurations, provides identical behavior
across all of the supported environments, and has extensive on line
documentation.  IBUKI offers a department site license for $2500 which
provides for the use of IBCL on all machines owned by the department on
which IBCL runs.  Both source and object distribution are available under
this program, which may be extended to cover the entire campus.  Software
support and new releases are available at nominal charges.

More than 1/6th of the computer science departments in North American
schools as well as numerous European and Asian schools have now taken
advantage of IBUKI's educational program.  There is thus a growing
international community of universities that use IBUKI Common Lisp as a
tool for teaching and research.

Contact information follows:

Bob Brandt

IBUKI					PH: 	(415) 961-4996
1447 North Shoreline Blvd.		FAX:	(415) 961-8016
Mountain View, CA  94043		email:	·········


Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 09:13:22 PST
From: ··························@unido (Bill Carlson)
Subject: Allegro CL


I saw your mail on the net.  Although I am somewhat biased in my opinion
of Allegro CL, I'd like to respond to your inquiry directly.

Our X-based environment, Allegro CL with Common Windows and Composer, is
compact (will run inside of 16MB on SPARC) and offers many
easy-to-use facilities.   The following is your mail with my
comments inserted.

-- usability and comfort of the environment, esp. the debugger

Our philosophy is to NOT re-invent the wheel, but to take
to advantage of and integrate commonly used tools 
like GNU-Emacs, X-windows many features of Berkeley Unix.
We've include things like meta-dot, on-line documentation,
"history", "bang-bang" etc... within the Lisp top level
and more.

On a feature by feature comparison, the tty debugger is
comparable to Sun CL's debugger.  In Composer,
the windowized debugger is powerful and informative.  Like other
facilities, the debugger pops up in its own customizable
window for ease of use and to clearly display debugging

-- performance

Allegro CL's compiler was rewritten for SPARC and compiles
extremely fast.  Allegro CL produces extremely safe and
accurate code while running at ALL settings.
Execution speed is about the same as Sun CL except on
smaller machines where Allegro CL is much
faster due to Sun CL's paging.   This is especially true
on SPARCstations with slow disks.

-- interface to C and UNIX, esp. possibility to call C routines from LISP,
     and vice versa

With Allegro CL you can have Lisp call C, or C call Lisp.   This feature
is well documented, well tested and very easy to use.

-- interface to suntools, esp. SunView, and OpenWindows (X)

For compatibilty reasons, we are putting our energies into X
rather than proprietary window systems.
We interface to X via CLX and have had an X-based 
product longer than any Lisp vendor.  
We do have an interface to Sunview where we allow you to
call every SunView function directly from Lisp.

-- does the compiler conform to the same semantics as the interpreter?


-- bugs

Our product is well tested and well debugged. 
This brings up support, perhaps one of the best reasons to purchase
Allegro CL.   Franz Inc. has a reputation for having the best support
in the industry.  Our policy is to respond to any inquiry within the
day.  You may contact us by phone, Email, Fax, Telex or mail and in
many cases talk directly with the core technical people who wrote the
code.  Maintenance is included free for one year with all licenses.

Price is perhaps the last reason to buy Allegro CL,
but it is fair to point out that we offer generous
academic discounts and site licenses.  The following
prices are for Sun 4/Sparcstations:

Product		Standalone	Diskless	Site
Allegro CL	$1,875.		$937.50		$15,625
Common Windows	   312.50	 156.25		  3,125
Composer 	   625.		 312.50		  6,250	
Our price list will offer more information on additional discounts
and machine availability.

I am sending you more information by airmail.
Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime if you have any
questions or concerns.


    Bill Carlson		    Franz Inc.
    Sales Manager 		    1995 University Avenue, Suite 275
    INTERNET: ·······	    Berkeley, CA  94704
    UUCP:    uunet!franz!carlson    415-548-3600, FAX:415-548-8253


From: ············@unido (Dr Gregor Thurmair)
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 08:48:00 -0100
Subject: Allegro vs. Lucid


ich weiss ein bisschen was ueber dieses Thema:

- performance: allegro ist angeblich schneller und etwas kleiner.  ich
glaube, dass das anwendungsabhaengig ist, man sollte es auf jeden fall
mit seiner anwendung ausprobieren.  zu dem zweck kriegt man auch von
allegro (das wqird ueber die expertise in berlin vertrieben) eine
evaluation copy.  alle beide sind auf der sun-4 wohl sehr schnell,
solang man nicht pagen muss.  

- das C-Interface ist bei beiden ziemlich aehnlich, beide aktiv und passiv.

- Allegro hat CommonWindows, das laeuft unter NeWS und unter X.  Lucid
hat auch ein windowsystem, das laeuft unter Sunview, ich weiss nicht
ob es unter X laeuft.    Und von OpenWindows hab ich noch gar nix gehoert.
Was soll denn das sein?

- bugs: haben sie wohl beide, aber wir konnten eine 40K LOC applikation
mit vertretbarem aufwand auf beiden rekompilieren - anpassungen sind
notwendig, aber beide produkte sind ziemlich stabil.

Wenn Ihr sonst noch irgendwas interessantes rausfindet, wuerdet Ihr
bitte mich auch informieen.

Oliver Gajek
Internet: ·····
uucp:     mcvax!unido!ztivax!metal
Phone:    49/89/636-41493
Fax:      49/89/636-47140
Mail:     DI AP 323
          Siemens AG
          Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
          D-8000 Munich 83
          West Germany
