From: Bob Riemenschneider
Subject: Re: Cartesian product
Message-ID: <>
=>   From: ············· (Denys Duchier)
=>   In article <····@sdsu.UUCP>, ···············@sdsu writes:
=>   > Does anyone have a lisp function that performs the Cartesian product
=>   > on a list, i.e.,
=>   >   (CARTESIAN '((A B) (C D) (E F))) will return
=>   >   ((A C E) (A C F) (A D E) (A D F) (B C E) (B C F) (B D E) (B D F))
=>   > not necessarily in that order.
=>     (COND ((NULL L) NIL)
=>	   ((NULL (CDR L))
=>	    (MAPCAR #'LIST (CAR L)))
=>	   (T (MAPCAN #'(LAMBDA (X) (MAPCAR #'(LAMBDA (Y) (CONS Y X)) (CAR L)))
=>		      (CARTESIAN (CDR L))))))
=>   --Denys

Now that ···············@sdsu's homework deadline is, presumably, past, I
thought it might be worthwhile pointing out a small bug in Denys Duchier's
proposed solution.

Note that according to the definition of Cartesian product of a sequence of

      -----                     | |
       | |  X = { f: dom(X) --> | | X | for every i in dom(X), f(i) in X(i) }
       | |                       _

the Cartesian product of the empty sequence is the set consisting of the 
empty function.  Thus, (CARTESIAN '()) should return (()), not ().

The reason I brought this up is not that I think it's terribly important
that (CARTESIAN '()) ==> (NIL), but because not getting this right wound
up complicating the solution.  Denys has the recursion bottom out when
L's cdr is empty, and treats an empty L as a special case; once you fix the
bug, the definition can be simplified to

     (COND ((NULL L) '(()))
		      (CARTESIAN (CDR L))))))

So getting the mathematical "specification" right results in simpler code,
as is often the case.

							-- rar