From: David Harvey
Subject: Re: Lisp for SUN 4
Message-ID: <721@wsccs.UUCP>
In article <····@aucs.UUCP>, ·····@aucs.UUCP (GEORGE NOVAK) writes:
> We are looking for a reasonably priced  Lisp (preferably Common Lisp)
> for our SUN 4. Please contact  :
> 	George J. Novak
> 	Jodrey School of Computer Science
> 	Acadia University
> 	Wolfville,N.S.  B0P 1X0
> 	Canada
> 	Phone: (902) 542-2201/local 105
> 	Bitnet: ·····@acadia

I almost responded personally, but since others new to the net, etc. may
be interested I decided to post instead.  If you can get it,
Austin-Kyoto-Common-Lisp (AKCL) is available from the University of
Texas at Austin.  Another source is:

The Austin Code Works
11100 Leafwood Lane
Austin, Texas
Phone: (512) 258-0785

They want $250 to pay for shipping, et al for both KCL and GNU Emacs on
Sun Cartridge Tape.  The nice thing about this package is that it
compiles to C code.

Lucid also makes a system that you may be interested in (check an AI
magazine for address).  If you want a Common Lisp for the MacintoshII
you can get Allegro Common Lisp from Franz/Coral.  Franz also offers
other products for the Sun.  Addresses are:

Coral Software Corp., PO Box 307, Cambridge, MA 02142
(617) 868-7440
Franz Inc., 1995 University Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704
(800) 333-7260

Another alternative is PC-Scheme from Texas Instruments, but I don't
know whether they offer it for the Sun or not.  Hope this list helps
